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The Order in England is divided into Districts. Each District is in the care of an Inspector General, who is responsible for the charge and supervision of all Chapters in his District. The relatively small number of units enables Inspectors General to have a valuable and personal contact with the members.

The District of Warwickshire has 14 Chapters, each Chapter meets two or three times a year. Meetings usually start at 6pm have a traditional dinner and normally finish around 9:30 pm.

Chapters are not generally large in membership numbers; the emphasis being on members who will maintain the quality, friendliness, and warmth of the Order.

The Order is non-hierarchical with no equivalent of Provincial Officers normally found in other Orders.  I am assisted by a District Recorder (Ill. Bro. Frank Corrigan 31°) who carries out administrative and secretarial duties for the District.

If you are considering the Rose Croix as the next step in your progression as a Freemason, the necessary qualifications for membership are for the applicant to be of high moral standing, and to have been a Master Mason for six months or more. There is no requirement for an applicant to be a member of any other Order and nor does an interested Mason need to wait to be invited to apply for membership.

If you would like an informal chat or more information, I or the District Recorder would be delighted to hear from you. Our details may be found at the “Contacts” section of the site.

V Ill Bro. Stephen W Fowler 33° 
Inspector General


Thank you for visiting the website of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for the District of Warwickshire.

I do hope you find the site interesting and informative, either as a member of the Order, a prospective member, or simply someone with an interest in who we are, and what we do.

Around the world, the second largest order after the Craft is the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, consisting of thirty-three degrees. The order is one of the oldest Masonic Orders, yet many Freemasons know little about it.

In England and Wales, it is known as the Ancient and Accepted Rite, and is often referred to as ‘Rose Croix’, because candidates join at the 18th degree, which has the formal title of "Prince Rose Croix of Heredom".

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